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March 12, 2012

Stone Feature: Turquoise

The name turquoise is apparently related to the fact that is was brought to Europe from the Eastern Mediterranean by Levantine traders, more commonly known as Turks. It has been used as a valuable ornament for ages. The color is, of course, turquoise, but it ranges in color from green and greenish blue to sky blue shades. Turquoise is said to attract money, success and love. Its powers include protection, healing, courage, friendship, and luck. Relaxes the mind, and eases mental tension. So if you have a case of the Mondays today, put on some turquoise jewelry to get you through the day!


1 comment:

  1. Turquoise has a rich history, and is known as possibly the longest-used of gemstones. It dates as far back as 5000 B.C. in Iraq. It has adorned rulers of ancient Egypt, Aztecs, Shang Dynasty, and Persia. Turquoise was first introduced to Europe on the Silk Road by Turkey, where it derived its name “Pierre Turquoise” (Turquoise Stone) by the French traders. It has proven to be such a popular stone worldwide that even the iconic gold burial mask of Tutankhamen, was inlaid with turquoise(as well as lapis lazuli, carnelian and coloured glass.).
