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April 7, 2011

Meet Timmy

Timmy is Amanda's cat that she got when she was in college at Texas Tech. Timmy is sixteen years old, and very chill. I awoke him from a deep slumber to ask him some questions...

where are you from?
Lubbock, TX
what are some of your favorite things?
Sleeping, talking to you in the morning, eating, and sitting in your lap
what about your least favorite things?
Dogs... and when I get kicked out of the boss's chair. It's so comfy!
what do you like to do during the day?
Eat and lay in my cat bed under Andrea's desk
do you like coming to work in our office?
I love having everyone around and doting on me!
what is your favorite color?
What's color?
what kind of music do you like to listen to?
Classical music. Or the awesome Hall & Oates station they always listen to around here.
what is your favorite food?
The kind they put in my bowl.
what’s your favorite place you’ve traveled?
I hate to travel!
anything else we should know about you? 
I am very old, so just let me cuddle you!

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